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Paradigm first MOD contractor to receive Chief of Defence Logistics Commendation

At an award ceremony on 30th May 2002, General Sir Sam Cowan, Chief of Defence Logistics (CDL), presented the Paradigm team with a CDL Commendation in recognition of its outstanding contribution towards the success of Exercise SAIF SAREEA II; the UK's largest military exercise for 15 years, which took place in the remote terrain of the Omani desert at the end of last year.

The Award recognises the team's achievement, when presented with a significant environmental challenge, in providing welfare communications to over 20,000 Service personnel deployed on the Exercise.

General Sir Sam Cowan stated that "By devotion and zeal, far in excess of that which was expected under the contract, the team rose to the challenge and demonstrated an understanding of deployed communications in a military environment that could only have been achieved by exceptional motivation and pride in your output. This is an achievement for which you can be justifiably proud."

Paradigm was awarded the Project WELCOME contract for the provision of welfare communications services in October 1999. It has been successfully operating for over 2 years providing a link home for those on MOD-defined 'entitled operations' in locations such as the Balkans, Sierra Leone, Afghanistan and on board Royal Navy ships. Early last year, the WELCOME contract was extended to cover Ex SAIF SAREEA II.

For all Project WELCOME locations, Paradigm is committed to providing the most reliable and cost effective service available using a variety of communications methods. For Ex SAIF SAREEA II, fully air-conditioned satellite or fixed-line communications cabins were in operation at the 8 principal locations. These linked into commercial satellite and local OmanTel terrestrial communications networks. In addition to telephone calls, Forces personnel were able to use the new Internet and E-mail service, which was launched early, specifically for the Exercise. A substantial number of telephones and computer terminals were installed in the cabins while IRIDIUM and GSM-dedicated handsets were provided for mobile units and those in smaller camps.

The response to Paradigm's new Internet/E-mail service was phenomenal. Personnel queued 2 days ahead to book their half-hour Internet slots, with some getting up in the middle of the night just to send e-mails.

The CDL Commendation scheme was launched in 2001, with nominations received by the Defence Logistics Organisation between August 01 and February 02. This was followed by an internal 2-star level assessment, which made recommendations to CDL, who then made his final selections for the awards. 27 separate awards were presented this year, which comprised 13 individual awards and 14 team awards, consisting of DLO internal or DLO/contractor teams and in which Paradigm was the sole contractor-only team.

Recently selected as preferred bidder for Skynet 5 military satellite communications services, the Paradigm team, led by Paradigm Secure Communications, was formed by Astrium in 1999. For Skynet 5, Paradigm Secure Communications will contract with Paradigm Services for full service delivery and Astrium for the Skynet 5 satellites and ground systems. Both Paradigm companies will become joint ventures between BAE SYSTEMS and EADS, European Aeronautic Defence and Space company on contract award.

For further information, please contact:

Mary Walmsley, Marketing Manager +44 7887 826265 or [email protected]

Editors Notes


The WELCOME (WELfare COMmunications Everywhere) contract was the first service contract awarded to Astrium's Paradigm Services in October 1999. The Paradigm welfare service allows all military personnel, serving on MOD-defined 'entitled operations', 20 minutes of publicly-funded phone calls per week. Paradigm enables Armed Forces personnel to augment their welfare allowance through the purchase of £10 pre-paid phone cards, available from NAAFIs/EFIs in theatre. 200,000 phone cards were produced for Ex SAIF SAREEA II alone and an estimated 3,850 kbps of commercial satellite bandwidth was used during this Exercise.

The Internet / E-mail facility in Oman was provided via three different communications systems, which were also used to provide the voice service. VSAT satellite communication cabins, located at the large, remote sites in the desert, were equipped with additional PCs which connected directly to Paradigm's Internet hub at Stevenage. The DeserTel PTT service, used at those sites closest to OmanTel infrastructure, also included dial-up Internet facilities. At the smallest and most remote sites, Paradigm made use of IRIDIUM's latest low-speed data technology to provide access to the Internet.

The service is designed with the requirements of a varied customer base in mind. In conjunction with the VSAT and IRIDIUM services, Paradigm uses advanced screening software to prevent access to unapproved sites. Content blocking on the dial-up system was facilitated through OmanTel. The system is easy and flexible to use, enabling Web-based E-mail access through sites such as Hotmail, Yahoo and AOL, chosen by the user. This approach offers significant advantages to users as they are able to continue using existing personal E-mail addresses without having to make special arrangements or change their address as they move around.

In October 2001, Paradigm secured its first export order for its welfare communications services, now being provided to Belgian troops in the Balkans.


EXERCISE SAIF SAREEA II was an important training opportunity for UK and Omani Armed Forces, with substantial elements across all 3 Services exercising together. The training involved the live firing of weapon systems from across the Services. In addition to the main training activity, the deployment and support structures needed to sustain and recover over 20,000 UK military personnel thousands of miles from their home bases was also thoroughly tested.


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