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Paradigm Switches to In-house Technology

Paradigm Services has now become a fully-fledged telecommunications operator (TelCo)*.

  • Paradigm Services has made a major commitment to welfare service provision for troops overseas by introducing an in-house telephony switching capability
  • The importance of welfare communications at this time cannot be overstated, with Paradigm currently providing extensive support in the Gulf region
  • Paradigm’s progress towards TelCo status is significant as it moves into the Skynet 5 era, when it will be the first company ever to deliver secure military satellite communications services

Paradigm Services has now become a fully-fledged telecommunications operator (TelCo)*. Having successfully delivered the UK MOD’s Project WELCOME service for the past 3 years, Paradigm took the decision to invest in a switching system of its own. Project WELCOME provides welfare telephone and Internet services to UK troops on MOD-defined ‘entitled operations’ overseas. This service is also delivered to Armed Forces of other nations.

Until recently, Paradigm had been using subcontractors to switch all the welfare telephone calls carried over its network from destinations around the world such as the Balkans, Afghanistan, the Gulf and on board Royal Navy ships. ‘Switching’ is a vital part of Paradigm’s service as it ensures calls are correctly routed from the operational area to the telephones of families and friends back home.

The in-house switch brings significant benefits to the troops, including a common card system, which means that the service is seamless to personnel passing from one theatre to another. During the UK MOD’s Ex SAIF SAREEA II in Oman, Royal Marines who sailed on HMS Ocean, accessing the Paradigm welfare service via the on-board Mentor system, had to, once they reached Oman, use a different card to access the VSAT facilities on land at Port Salalah. This was due to the incompatible card systems used by Paradigm’s two different suppliers, which was inflexible for users and prevented some troops from making maximum use of the benefits of Paradigm’s welfare services. However, Paradigm’s investment in a switching capability ensures that this problem will no longer occur, facilitating continuous welfare provision to personnel moving between theatres.

The roll-out of Paradigm’s new system has been phased-in over a three month period which commenced in early January. All users on the new system now also have access to Paradigm’s own Customer Support helpdesk, which was previously only available to Internet service users via e-mail. Initially staffed during working hours, and then progressing towards a 24-hour Skynet 5 service, the helpdesk allows users to raise any concerns or problems directly with Paradigm via telephone, fax or e-mail. Directory enquiry services are also available from the helpdesk. A credit card facility which allows both users abroad and their families in the UK to add additional, privately financed minutes to their welfare cards will also now be provided directly by Paradigm.

Paradigm Services is a key member of the Paradigm team, which is led by Paradigm Secure Communications and was selected as the UK MOD’s preferred bidder for the Skynet 5 programme in Spring 2002. As progress is made towards contract award Paradigm Services is looking forward to becoming the service delivery company for the Skynet 5 PFI programme. At contract award both Paradigm companies will become wholly owned subsidiaries of the European Aeronautic Defence and Space company, EADS.

* Paradigm has a Telecommunications Satellite Licence from the DTI under Section 7 of the telecommunications Act 1984.

For further information and images please contact:

Mary Walmsley +44 (0)1438 774419 or [email protected]

Editor’s Notes

The WELCOME (WELfare COMmunications Everywhere) contract was the first service contract to be awarded to Paradigm Services, which was then part of EADS Astrium, in October 1999. The Paradigm welfare service allows all military personnel, serving on MOD-defined ‘entitled operations’, 20 minutes of phone calls per week. Paradigm enables Armed Forces personnel to augment their welfare allowance through the purchase of £10 pre-paid phone cards, available from NAAFIs/EFIs and BFPO representatives in theatre. Internet / E-mail facilities are also now an integral part of the WELCOME service as these are being phased-in across all theatres.

Current call statistics are as follows:
  • Since transition to Paradigm’s own switch commenced in January 2003, nearly 2,000,000 calls have been passed through the system
  • Over 1,000,000 minutes of calls have been made via Paradigm’s system in March alone
  • 80% of these calls have been made by troops in the Gulf
  • In excess of 2,000 handsets are currently deployed on land and at sea in the Gulf region

The Paradigm welfare communications service is provided using a variety of methods. In large, remote sites VSAT satellite communications cabins are equipped with telephones and PCs which connect directly to Paradigm’s hub at Stevenage. In less remote areas, Paradigm may make use of more cost-effective local PTT operators’ lines connecting into similar portacabin set-ups. At the smallest and most remote sites, Paradigm makes use of both standard GSM and IRIDIUM and GLOBALSTAR satellite communications technology to provide telephone and Internet facilities. For the Royal Navy, access to Paradigm’s welfare service is provided via Maritime INMARSAT terminals and MENTOR lines on SCOT-fitted ships.

To ensure that Internet facilities are being used in accordance with MOD regulations, Paradigm uses advanced screening software to prevent access to unapproved Internet sites. The system is easy and flexible to use, enabling Web-based E-mail access through sites chosen by the user, such as Hotmail, Yahoo and AOL. This approach offers significant advantages to users as they are able to continue using existing personal E-mail addresses without having to make special arrangements or change their address as they move around.

Paradigm’s welfare communications service is also used by the British Forces Post Office to enable delivery of ‘e-bluey’ electronic letters sent via the Web at one end and printed out and delivered like a letter at the other end (this works both to and from the troops abroad). A BFPO representative recently commented: “The satellite telephones we are using in the Middle East are proving to be extremely reliable and this is allowing us to provide a quite exceptional e-bluey service.“ In previous major deployments the number of e-blueys transmitted in any one month has not exceeded 22,000. Current operations have led to the transmission of 139,000 e-blueys in just 20 days, with one location using a satellite telephone currently downloading in excess of 7,000 e-blueys a day.


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