faqs: Problems accessing the floppy disk drive
You can use the floppy disk drive (A:) to save downloaded files or received email attachments, and you can also use the floppy disk to attach files to emails for sending.
You can also use a dedicated hard disk drive (E:) as a temporary place to store downloaded files or attachments that have been received or that you wish to send. Please note that any files on this disk area are deleted when you logoff in order to prevent your data being seen by others.
Sometimes when you select "browse" to find the files you want to send or save you will not always be shown the list of disk drives available. In this case you will find "Desktop" at the top of the window - just double-click "My Computer" in the list underneath and you will be shown the two disk drives (A) or (E) that you can use. Select the drive you want to use and save your file(s).
Please remember to copy any downloaded files or attachments on the hard disk (E drive) to a floppy before you logoff otherwise they will be deleted. You can open windows for the disks by clicking "Start" then "Disks", choose the disk drive(s) you want to open, then you can copy files between the disks simply by dragging the file from one disk to the other.