Testimonials – Our greatest achievement is delivering on the expectations of our customers

We’re pleased and proud that so many of our customers have praised us for our service, our product and our approach:

  • On time and on budget

    “SKYNET 5 will provide the UK contribution to NATO’s Satellite Communication requirements, and shows that we are punching our weight in that important defence communication field” “I am delighted to be able to congratulate everyone concerned with achieving, within time and cost, the significant milestone of In-Service-Date in the life of this major project” “The fact that this has been done through a PFI arrangement, where breaking of much new ground has been required by all parties involved, is an outstanding achievement from whatever angle it is viewed. It reveals that success can be realised when all the important aspects required of a successful programme are understood from the outset by both industry and the Department. This approach lies at the very heart of PFI and, of course, wider Smart Acquisition”

    Lord Bach – Former Minister of Defence for Procurement on Ministerial visit to Stevenage Site – March 21, 2005

  • A model project

    “The customer community were very complimentary about the team’s performance and the joint working approach.”

    “This is a model PFI.”

    “We have absolutely no complaints.”

    “Why can’t other programmes work like this?”

    Quote from MOD Equipment Capability Customer 1-Star Level (quotes taken from In Service Date milestone in February 2005).

  • Delivering on expectations

    “The number one priority has to be delivery, because that’s what the armed forces, government and the treasury requires. So far Paradigm has met its milestones and has delivered both the product and service.”

    Independent Defence Analyst Paul Beaver

    “The Government is committed to providing our Armed Forces with the best capability whilst ensuring we obtain good value for money for the taxpayer. This PFI deal shows that this can be achieved, by giving UK companies the necessary financial returns, to ensure that they can remain competitive in a very challenging international industrial environment. We want our companies to do well and what better indication is there than this that the UK stands at the very forefront of communications technology.” 

    UK Government spokesperson

  • Excellent Service

    The service delivered by Paradigm to date has been excellent, we look forward to continuing the relationship and the use of Paradigm's services in the future

    Portuguese Chief of Defence (CHOD) Captain J. Vargas, of the Portuguese MoD

  • Paradigm Awards

    - Minister for Defence Procurement Award – 2004

    - Infrastruture Journal – Deal of the Year – 2003

    - Thompson Financial European Defence PPP of the Year

  • Most Happy

    In the overall provision of MilSatCom to the Netherlands Armed Forces these contracted services in the X-band are most essential. In the overall spectrum these assured satellite communications will form the backbone means of communications for our deployed troops. Although the Royal Netherlands Navy has been using Paradigm’s Skynet 4 services on her ships for several years, in our new MoD organisation the overall MilSatCom capacity required for all armed services has been defined and aggregated. It has been a long process to consider, phrase and communicate exactly what needs to be delivered and I am therefore most happy that we have achieved this framework contract with Paradigm today. A very substantial piece in the overall satcom jigsaw

    Captain Hans van der Wal, Head of the Netherlands MilSatCom Project Team